When most people hear the word “supplement” they immediately think Yes! or NO. Keep in mind, they are not saying this out loud. Their subconscious has already formed an opinion, typically based on past experience, that determines how they view this multi-billion dollar industry. The YES group is enthusiastic. They haven’t lost hope. They want to feel better, look better, function better and know that there’s an answer out there somewhere.
By contrast, the NO group has lost all hope. They have been misguided by the latest and greatest multi-level marketing scheme, they have swallowed more “horse pills” than they can count, they’ve spent hundreds of dollars trying to find their way. The various paths they have taken have led them to a place of disbelief and frustration. My heart goes out to this group. I want to grab each and every one of them and give them a big hug and say “Let me help you!” Why? Because I was one of these people.
I spent years looking for answers and finally gave up. What I didn’t realize was that I was looking for answers in the wrong places. My friends seemed to know more than my doctors and the information I was finding online was understandably questionable. It wasn’t until I started looking at basic science that things started to make sense. Here’s what I learned that started me down the right path:
Any amount of effort you put in to filling the gaps will pay off, even if it’s just one multi-vitamin twice a week for the rest of your life. Trust me. Your collective group of cells will thank you.
BPW supplements are manufactured by a private, family-owned pharmaceutical company that has been in business since the 1920s. They support our goal of creating bio-available products using only premium natural and organic ingredients. All incoming raw materials as well as finished product are tested for purity. We use amber colored recyclable glass bottles to preserve ingredients and guarantee freshness. Our orders are filled and shipped within 3 to 5 days, not sitting in a warehouse on a shelf waiting to be shipped.
The bottom line is this – we are a family owned business, not a corporation. We care about people and want them to live the best possible life. Our standards are high because we know people trust us. As we commit to research, discover, and learn more about living well, we will continue to educate and inform our community. BPW supplements allow us to close the gap between what our patients want and what we know they need.
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The team at Bridgeport Laser & Wellness Center in Tualatin, OR, is led by Alina Wilson, Author, Founder and Active CEO, and Michelle Young, ND, LAc, Medical Director. They are joined by Natalia Glawe, LE, CMA, Medical Aesthetics Specialist; Kathy Nesen, CAE, Medical Aesthetics Specialist; Lisa Lovell, CMA, Injection Specialist; Keisha Harrison, CMA, LE, Injection Specialist. Specializing in Thoughtful Aging, the team emphasizes a holistic approach to aging, promoting vibrant skin and wellness through extensively researched and tested treatments. At Bridgeport Laser & Wellness Center, they focus on enhancing natural beauty and supporting a positive outlook on aging, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and treatments to provide personalized, results-oriented care.
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Do things that help the process in your journey and make you feel good. Love the way you look!
I think you have to do things that maybe help the process in your journey and make you feel good and bring happiness to you and if that means getting a little Botox or getting a microderm you know which is something that you know I’ll walk away and look in the mirror and think oh I love the way I look but then it’s also a balance of being like it’s okay I’ve made it to 53 and I’m healthy and I think that’s where the thoughtful aging comes in versus the anti-aging
I’m 44 I have two kids and I work constantly. I’m traveling and it’s really hard to have consistency in your life. My body isn’t the same after having two kids and even just on a functional level, if I would try to work out, I kept injuring myself, and I wasn’t working from this strong foundation of core or where I should have been and I was getting really discouraged. I wanted to change my life and do something really positive so that I could go into my closet and get dressed feeling good, so that I could eat pasta here and there, so I could drink wine here and there, and just find that elusive balance called 80/20. I’ve certainly known 80/20 in the opposite direction; you realize that being healthy and strong is really important. I wanted to condition my body differently so I could exercise regularly without injury, and then I did a bunch of recon with a lot of women, a lot of who you know some of you don’t, some who are really amazing actresses or athletes, and I was like, I found out all the cool girls were already doing it, and it made me feel really safe about the process. I got really excited as opposed to curious and they’re all doing it. So I was like, well then I want to do it as I had been doing a lot of core work. So I did Emsculpt in tendem, and it completely changed my foundation; it just really changed my life, and I get to go work out with my girlfriends and do dance cardio. I feel better when I’m picking up my kids. I’m just exercising smarter because I’m stronger. I’m not really a champion or into anything invasive and I’m not into aesthetics. I care about athletics and being capable and a strong woman, and I don’t know what exactly that looks like because it’s totally different for every single woman. But for me and my personal life I know the line and I know when I’m feeling good. I know what I’m looking better for me, well I definitely see lines in my stomach where I never have which is a total anomaly for me. I’m just getting to live the life I want to, I look better, I feel better, but I’m working out consistently without landing in a physical therapists office because I’ve overdone it or thrown my back out my car was like a fish tank after kids when women have kids nobody talks about how broken the body is and you’re trying to get back to where you were but you’ll never be in the same clade. So I think people probably do this for a multitude of reasons. I have friends who do Ironman, who do it, me as a mother who couldn’t put her body back together the right way. That was why I did it, I just wanted health and wellness in my life. Some people do it for posture, some people do it for conditioning, some people are hardcore athletes, and want to get even stronger and get that extra boost. All the cool girls are doing it for sure.
I just think the whole phrase thoughtful aging is so beautiful; it’s such a healthier approach but to keep your young youthful skin the best you can. I say this as I think it’s really important, and it makes sense to me, and it makes me feel good. Where again, anti-aging, this makes me feel defeated. Bridgeport laser and wellness is by far the best place to go for thoughtful aging