Are you ready to revitalize your skin and give it back its youthful appearance? Then microdermabrasion could be right for you! Microdermabrasion is an excellent treatment that improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, brown spots, scars, and acne blemishes.
Microdermabrasion is a procedure that exfoliates and removes dry, dead skin cells, leaving your skin refreshed and invigorated.
Our medical microdermabrasion exfoliation includes soothing skin-specific serums to address patient-specific skin conditions. A diamond-tip treatment head exfoliates the skin allowing product to deeply penetrate for smooth, radiant skin. Microdermabrasion stimulates new cell growth and addresses your specific skin condition, giving your skin the revitalization you want. Our treatments include full face and neck. There is no down time and treatments can be done in less than 45 minutes. Other areas such as hands, feet or back available upon request.
Your skin is made up of two main layers, the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the layer closest to the outside world. It’s a set of dead skin cells on top of another layer of cells that are in the process of maturing. The topmost layer is called the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum mostly acts as a barrier between the outside world and the lower skin layers. It keeps all but the smallest molecules from getting through. All of the action in microdermabrasion takes place at the level of the stratum corneum.
When you put lotions or creams on your skin, some of the moisture passes through the stratum corneum, but not all of it. This layer is home to many minor skin imperfections like the aforementioned fine lines, wrinkles and blemishes. By safely removing the stratum corneum layer, your skincare products become more effective and you unlock the full benefit of the anti-aging properties found in medical-grade products.
Safe and Secure
Yes. Safety is one of the primary benefits of microdermabrasion. It has minimal risks and is a non-invasive procedure. Our device is maintained to the same standard as all of our other medical equipment. After a treatment, the wands are soaked in an anti-bacterial antiseptic solution, scrubbed down like a surgical tool, and then run through an autoclave to achieve a totally sterile cleansing. Because you are getting your procedure done in a medical office in Tualatin, you are assured that the equipment, the office setting, the treatment room, the healthcare professional performing your treatment, and the treatment itself are medical grade regarding sterility and technician experience/training.
All aspects of the treatment are held to all the standards required of a medical office.
Learn more about our microdermabrasion service by calling us at 503-772-3297. We serve the Portland metro area including Tigard, Tualatin, Lake Oswego, Beaverton, Wilsonville, Hillsboro, and Vancouver, WA.