COVID-19: The Voice of Reason

With the recent rampant increase in news media coverage of the coronavirus, COVID-19, I would like to share my thoughts on improving immune function and preventing general virus transmission, including the coronavirus. We have all become accustomed to the yearly influenza virus. Many of us may not know that each year approximately 5 to 20%…

Khloe Kardashian promotes “Live Chin Up” for Kybella®

According to a 2015 survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), 67% of people are bothered by the excess fat beneath their chin. Submental fullness due to fat beneath the chin can be caused by genetics, weight gain and aging. Sometimes, even with diet or exercise, unwanted fullness beneath your chin may not go…

I Sent My Mom for Ultherapy Instead of a Facelift

For the past five or so years my mom would come to my house, play with the grandkids, and make small comments here and there admonishing the way she looked. Sometimes she didn’t like the texture of her skin, sometimes she didn’t like the hyperpigmentation popping up on her once porcelain face, and sometimes the…

Why Risk the Unintended Consequences of Synthetic Hormones?

The ongoing controversy over what constitutes “organic” or “natural” foods continues to perplex the average American family, particularly the parent who is charged with buying groceries. While they are typically more expensive to buy, organically grown fruits, vegetables, fish and meat are becoming more and more popular because they seem to be healthier than those…

How Stress Kept This Doctor Up all Night

With three young children, an entrepreneurial husband and an extremely busy medical practice to run, Dr. Wesley Brady should have been tired enough to fall asleep at the dinner table. While she was mentally and physically exhausted, for several years there was something that caused this Dallas physician to spend hours every night tossing and…

New Survey Reveals a Powerful Resource for Better Sex

The bedroom has become a very unhappy place. According to medical experts, the libidos of both men and women are lackluster, at best. This depressing problem has many causes but if a recent survey held by BioTE Medical is accurate, hormone replacement therapy is a part of the solution. The results of this survey strongly…


So you’ve talked to us at Bridgeport Laser & Wellness Center and we’ve decided on a treatment plan for your laser hair removal. It’s now two weeks before your first session. What can you do to prepare? Limit your sun exposure. Tans and sunburns can increase side effects. Make sure to use sunscreen daily during…